Thursday, April 29, 2010

A little better . . .

Today was a bit of an uneventful day - but we'll take that over the other kind. Bryan had a hard time falling asleep last night and even when he did, it still wasn't the best. The pain in his legs was on and off all morning and then this afternoon it seemed to be a little bit better. He went for a long walk this morning with the physiotherapist and another one this evening. Although it takes a lot of effort, it helps him to move around and stretch his legs. He also seems to feel a little better when he lies on his side rather than his back - it takes the pressure off his tailbone. He was extremly tired when we left the hospital tonight so let's pray he has a good night's sleep.

3 Response to A little better . . .

Val and Dan
April 30, 2010 at 6:19 AM

Bryan and Michelle, just wanted to let you know that you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Although we don't see you often - when we do Bryan, your radiant smile always stays with me. Michelle, it was great catching up with you a few weeks ago and seeing your adorable children. Annika commented on how much she liked that nice girl that held her hand all the way to Sunday school. We are wishing both of you much strength, courage, hope and peace. Bryan, I am confident that we will see that big, beautiful smile again soon.
With love, Val and Dan and the girls

April 30, 2010 at 6:21 AM

So glad to hear Bryan is able to get up and walking again! Hallelujah!

Hopefully things will be better sleepwise too.

Everyone keep the faith.

Still love you Bryan and Michelle,
Jon and Nadine

April 30, 2010 at 7:43 AM

We were waiting to read the update & it was encouraging. I'm sure this is an emotional roller coaster for all of you -- we keep you in our thoughts & prayers.

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