Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hope for the Pain

Bryan didn’t sleep as well as we had hoped last night so he was quite tired and in a lot of pain again this morning.

Another CT angiogram was done and it was fine. There is still some swelling but apparently that’s normal and the doctors were happy with the results. There was more testing done this morning too and everything was clear – they were looking particularly at his legs to see if there were any blood clots present to explain the pain. Today was particularly horrible for Bryan with respect to pain. He said tonight that today was "the worst day yet" because of the pain.

The good news is that the doctors think they know now what is causing all the pain in Bryan’s low back and legs. Another test also done this morning revealed that the blood around the brain (from the aneurysm that burst last week) is causing irritation in the spine and in turn causing the pain in Bryan’s low back and legs. This apparently isn’t uncommon but the reason they didn’t look into this earlier is because pain from this spinal irritation doesn’t usually radiate to the legs – but rather is just in the low back/tailbone area in most patients. That’s why they assumed the pain in his legs was muscle spasms from being immobile for so long.

So the treatment for this spinal irritation is a new medication – very potent – that Bryan needs to take every six hours for a 48 hour cycle. It will cause Bryan to be quite “out of it” and confused – worse than the side effects of morphine. In the meantime, they were trying to switch him off the morphine because they’d like to wean him off his IV. They were giving him pain medication in the form of a tablet earlier today but tonight they finally gave him more morphine because he wasn’t having any relief from the pain. He’s just now finally starting to relax and sleep a little. The nurses said that hopefully by the third dose of this new medication (which will be at midnight tonight), Bryan will start to feel the severe pain subside and then hopefully he won’t need the morphine or the other tablets for the pain. Please pray that this really is the cause of his severe pain, that the new medication will work quickly and that the side effects won't be too harsh.

I was listening to one my favourite songs today and wanted to share the chorus with you here:

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

It’s hard to remember and it's not always easy to praise and worship God when things aren’t going so well. But this past week, despite the storm, we’ve seen so many signs of God’s presence – some obvious and some more subtle. It’s been amazing and we know that God hasn’t left our side and He’s been right beside Bryan this whole time holding his hand and giving him strength to fight. So let’s remember to “praise Him in the storm”.

15 Response to Hope for the Pain

Julie Kingma
April 28, 2010 at 9:57 PM

Praying for a restful night for all of you-
love the Kingma family.

Rick and Melinda
April 28, 2010 at 10:09 PM

Its been a long road for all you guys and we continue to pray that healing will come soon. We love you guys and hold you close in our prayers.

Rick, Melinda Chris & Ryan

April 28, 2010 at 10:14 PM

I love that song too.

Terry says that Bryan should get off his lazy butt and get back to landscaping :)
(and that he's praying for him too).
Hang in there!

Love, the Vanderkruks

Kristen VanHerwynen
April 28, 2010 at 10:43 PM

Praying for a restful sleep for Bryan and that the new medication will give him relief from the pain.
BIG HUGS to both of you, Michelle & Bryan:)
Love you,

April 29, 2010 at 12:00 AM

Thank you so much for tirelessly keeping everyone updated through this blog!
Bryan - we are praying that you will have relief from your pain and the rest that you need.
Michelle - we pray for your continued strength and rest for you too.
You are in our prayers daily, and it is our hope that each day brings new progress.

Pete and Teresa Wunsche and family

April 29, 2010 at 6:48 AM

Thank you for the updates - we are still praying. Love that song too! And so true -- we need to praise Him in the storms too! He will never let us go. D

April 29, 2010 at 9:34 AM

I check in on you pretty much morning,noon, and night. Praying that Bryan had a good sleep and that the pain is manageable. Keeping the whole family in our prayers daily.
Love you all

Harold and Marg VanderEnde
April 29, 2010 at 11:43 AM

Just wanted to let you know that Bryan and his family are in our thoughts and prayers. May Bryan receive healing and continue to experience God's love surrounding him.

Please let Corrie know that we say hi!

Harold and Marg VanderEnde

April 29, 2010 at 3:02 PM

Thanks for keeping everyone up to date. That is one of my favourite songs as well.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We are praying and thinking of you often as well as praying that the new medication will be helpful.
May you experience God's warmth today and always.
Jan (Verrips) Matthews

April 29, 2010 at 3:45 PM


April 29, 2010 at 5:33 PM

I popped in a CD that I haven't listened to in a while and so many of the songs are encouraging us to, be still, to trust and remember God's faithfulness and incredible love in difficult times. What a blessing the gift of music is. As I have listened to this CD over and over I am praying continually for Bryan, Michelle, the kids, Corrie and all of you as you come alongside of Bryan and Michelle through this time of challenges. God Bless you all, may you feel His peace and strength when you are weary and discouraged. Dirk & Brenda Lammers

April 29, 2010 at 9:18 PM

Bryan, our thoughts and prayers go with you during this difficult time. Soon your pain will subside and you will be back home with your wonderful family. Michelle, you're amazing!

A little, well long landscaping joke for you that I thought was quite funny:

A woman wants the inside of her house painted and
she calls a contractor in to help her. They wander
around the house, and she points out the colors she
wants. She says, "Now, in the livingroom, I'd like
to have a neutral beige, very soft and warm."

The contractor nods, pulls out his pad of paper and
writes on it. Then he goes to the window, leans out
and yells, "Green sideup!"

The woman is most perplexed but she lets it slide.
They wander into the next room. She says, "In the
dining room I'd like a light white, not stark, but
very bright and airy."

The contractor nods,pulls out his pad of paper and
writes on it. Then he goes to the window,leans out,
and yells "Green side up"!

The woman is even more perplexed but still lets it
slide. They wander further into the next room. She
says, "In the bedroom, I'd like blue. Restful,
peaceful, cool blue."

The contractor nods, pulls out his pad of paper and
writes on it. Then once more he goes to the window,
leans out and yells "Green sideup"!

This is too much. The woman has to ask. So she says,
"Everytime I tell you a color, you write it down, but
then you yell out the window 'Green side up.' What on
earth does that mean?"

The contractor shakes his head and says, "I have four
blondes laying sod across the street."

Ron & Hajni Hoekstra

heather dh
April 29, 2010 at 10:54 PM

Bryan you are single-handily turning us all into prayer warriors! We are reading the blog daily and praying along side everyone for your needs and God's love to shine through. What an awesome testimony the comments are to the awesome supportive community of believers we have here! My eyes tear up with such heartfelt comments and wishes. I know I personally too find it difficult to understand everything and a lot of the time feel helpless...
but already our heavenly Father has made known to us the power of prayer, faithfulness and trust in Him. May tonight be restful for you and Michelle and your family and may tomorrow you have much peace our friend..may your children have peaceful hearts and may Jesus's love and comfort encircle them daily. Lots of love to you all.

April 30, 2010 at 5:07 PM

I would have to say that the mentioned song is one that I'm often reminded of when I am in the middle of the storm. God is who he is not who we want him to be. Amen for that.
We continue to keep you all in our prayers. Vos'- tiebk

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