Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful for Meals

Thank you to everyone who offered to help out with meals for Bryan and Michelle. We have three meals booked every week until the end of June! We’ll leave it at that for now and reassess later to see if more will be needed after that point. It’s amazing how many people have come forward to help in this situation – and not just with food.
Many times during the past three weeks, Bryan would comment on how overwhelming it was that so many people wanted to help him and his family. At one point he said he couldn’t believe how many people care about them. Like any good sister, I assured him that it wasn’t him, but rather Michelle that people care for. LOL! Good thing he can take a joke eh?

Anyway, it sure is a blessing to have so many family and friends surrounding Bryan and Michelle and their children during this challenging time. Thank you for your continued love and prayers as well as providing the practical things . . . particularly meals.

2 Response to Thankful for Meals

May 14, 2010 at 4:40 PM


Well, I didn't offer to help with the meals...I don't even cook for myself...LOL...but, I am so very happy to know that Bryan is doing better and is home. That will take some of the stress off of Michelle. I will continue to pray for all of them and I'm really glad that God has kept Bryan in His Hands....I know that he (Bryan) can be a bit of a handful...hehehehehe. Take care and thanks for keeping us updated.

Hilda Bremer

May 16, 2010 at 7:18 PM

Bryan and Michelle
MY Consort and I did not sign up to help with meals but you are in our prayers every single day and I have been having conversations with Bryan about the garden! Bryan has given us such beauty outside and when we observe all the spring changes, we are grateful to be blessed with such a friend.
Take good care, both.
Love from the Queen and Ken xoxoxo

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