Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Three Weeks Later . . .

Three more weeks have gone by and it’s time for another update. Bryan continues to do well and is able to do a little bit more all the time. He was able to attend church for the first time last week – a blessing for him and his family . . . as well as the whole church family. Overall it went well but he was surprised that he was not able to sing due to being short of breath . . . probably due to the excitement and physical shape he is in right now. Bryan has also been able to attend a few more events over the past couple of weeks.

Last week Bryan was scheduled to his surgeon for a follow-up visit. He was looking forward to this as he had a lot of questions for him and was interested in his progress from a surgical/medical point of view. Unfortunately his appointment was cancelled due to emergency surgery that needed to be performed by his surgeon. Of course Bryan and Michelle understood this (as this same thing probably happened to others when Bryan had his first surgery) but they were disappointed nonetheless. So now the appointment with the surgeon will happen at the end of this month.

The good thing is that they were able to speak with the nurse practitioner that was involved in Bryan’s care during his hospital stay. They’ve gotten to know this lady quite well and so it was good to talk to her on the phone. She was able to answer some of the questions they had so that helped a bit.

This past weekend, we were able to kidnap Michelle and their oldest daughter, Breanna, for a girl’s weekend away. Okay, that’s not exactly what happened. It was an extremely thought out and well planned weekend. It was the first time Michelle had been away from Bryan for an extended period of time for the last three months so it wasn’t easy for her to leave. But once we were gone, she relaxed and enjoyed herself and we all had a really good time. Oh, and I should mention, this only happened because of the support and assistance from some great neighbours – thanks J & N!!! It gave Michelle peace of mind knowing her hubby and kids were in great hands.

The main prayer request is for alleviation of Bryan’s continued headaches. He still has a few slight cognitive issues – this is to be expected but still something we can pray about. The chaos and noise of four little ones at home is still sometimes a little bit challenging for Bryan too.

The love and support of family and friends continues to surround Bryan and Michelle and the kids. They are so thankful for everything people continue to do for them – the prayers, emails, encouragement, and meals. (Michelle continues to appreciate a few meals here and there – if anyone still wants to help out in this area for the month of August, please send me an email at mk (at)

1 Response to Three Weeks Later . . .

July 22, 2010 at 10:48 AM

It's been so good to see you both at VBS and at soccer!

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