Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday Morning Update

Bryan's night wasn't as good as we had hoped. His jaw is extremely painful, he had a fever through the night and he was still bothered by nausea. All of these things combined don't make for a very good sleep unfortunately. The good news is that he was able to get up and walk a few steps to use the bathroom earlier. He seems to be in and out of sleep this morning so far. Let's pray he can get some solid hours of rest/sleep throughout the day today and that his pain, fever and nausea are kept under control.

Unless something else comes up in the meantime, I'll post again tonight. Oh, let's also pray for positive news from the CT scan results today.

1 Response to Saturday Morning Update

John and Evie
June 6, 2010 at 12:13 AM

Dear Bryan and Michelle
We are overjoyed that the sx has gone so well and Bryan you were up walking how great is our Lord that all our prayers are answered, you are all in our prayers every day and we love you all.
Lots of love
Uncle John and Aunt Evie
Bryan and Katie
Emily and Ashleigh

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