Saturday, December 18, 2010


First, my apologies with the delay in updating the blog. Daily life has taken over again, which is definitely a good thing and we are thankful for this!

We would like to thank Karen and Mike (Bryan's sister and brother-in-law) for setting up this blog and providing all the updates and prayer concerns . This blog was a wonderful way to get the word out quick. It was also great encouragement for us to read the comments. We thank you for all those prayers and comments!

Our life is beginning to become somewhat "normal" again. Although Bryan is still home recovering, we are thankful for how far he has come already. According to the doctors, and we have known this ourselves, it is a miracle that Bryan is here with us!

Bryan still gets tired quite easily. In part, this is due to the injury on his brain. Anything that takes concentration is exhausting, because he has to work doubly hard at it. Also, he was not allowed to do anything physical for a long time, so now his body has to work up to where he was before this all began in April.

Most people think, when they see Bryan, that he is totally back to "normal".... but not quite. There are still some challenges for him. He can concentrate, but it is exhausting for him. His physical strength is not quite there, which he is now allowed to work on. His memory is not as sharp. He used to pride himself remembering and knowing peoples names, but has difficulties with that quite often. Most people wouldn't know, because he can be creative in the situation. Often if he remembers a first name, he can't remember the last name etc.. (Now I've given away his secret!) A lot of noise or chaos is sometimes challenging for him. It seems to be hard for him to tune that out. With four small children, this is a challenge!!

An exciting thing for Bryan was that he was given the okay to drive again. This has been great for Bryan. It gives him some freedom to get out and do his own thing! (I must gives me some freedom too!)

Our children are doing great. There are still some bad dreams occasionally, or difficulty when Bryan leaves the house. Overall, we are enjoying spending our time together....(when they are calm and quiet....).

We thank God for the miracle he performed on Bryan. We are thankful to all who prayed for Bryan. We have indeed experienced the power of prayer.

We are not sure how many people still look at this blog, but I will have another post next week. :-)

3 Response to IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME....

December 18, 2010 at 3:14 PM

Good to hear that some things are better for both of you. Will continue to pray for complete healing. God is good!

December 19, 2010 at 3:06 PM

still following the blog. very thankful along with you for all the progress that Bryan has made. We continue to pray for continued improvement and strength. Merry Christmas as we celebrate the reason for the season.

December 21, 2010 at 2:32 PM

I still check the blog regularly and the kids pray daily for your family. We are so thankful that the Lord has sustained you and brought you this far. May He continue to heal and strengthen and give you a blessed (and quiet!??!) Christmas together. I hear Breanna giggling downstairs, and if I multiply that lovely sound by 3 other kids, the "quiet" is probably a stretch... :-)

either way, we also wish you blessings in the new year!
Marcia, Chris, Rebekah, Lucas and Olivia

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